rotating systems for your storage
Paternoster Regale - Bauformen

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Paternoster rack system VARIO

Multiple rotating shelf system enabling a maximum utilisation of space

This implementation is a special solution to customer-specific space considerations. With so-called “bridges” even the space above work areas, transport routes or other areas can be used efficiently.

Advantages of SEYBOLD+Burka
paternoster rack systems

Our paternoster shelves (carousel shelves) and storage system are unique automated paternoster shelves, based on mechanically simple, low-wear chain drives. This economic paternoster technology, completely Made in Germany, allows merging and utilising unused ceiling heights or, by means of breakthroughs, spaces above and below as storage space to the maximum possible extent. The paternoster shelf (carousel shelf), with its specially adapted carrier sets and receiving spaces, permits addition and removal of any material in a comfortable, and most importantly safe, manner. A specially developed modular system allows for cost-effective solutions despite custom adjustments to each application. Of course, all variants of our Paternoster shelves and carousels comply with the applicable accident prevention regulations and workplace safety guidelines (CE conformity) and impress with quick handling, enormous storage capacity, and advanced safety.

Column load more than 20 t

Maximum utilisation of space

Bulky, heavy and long goods

Short access times, digital control system

Carrying units for Paternoster racks

The right carrier set for any storage product. Besides a number of standard carrier sets, individual solutions are required.

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Accessories für Paternoster Regale

various electronic pre-set control systems linked to an external EDP system, moveable electric chain hoists attached to the IPS, additional operating and lateral removal stations, light barriers (for different functions), covering (Sheet metal / grids / tubes)

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